Adriaan M. Niemann
Adriaan Niemann is a leader of carrier/partner onboarding and relationship management as well as commerce, billing and business operations across different departments with 10 years experience within the Telecommunications & IT industry. He has had a hand and significant influence on the improvement of various business divisions through his knack for collaborative learning & understanding, whilst also embracing shared ideas which have given way for more informed decision making.
Having completed his respective degrees in Economics through the University of Pretoria & UNISA, Adriaan had set himself up to bring a wider perspective of problem solving skills to the table. This has enabled him to identify opportunities & reinvent complex real life use cases to boost internal as well as external experiences.
Adriaan has filled, adapted & grown into various positions as he evolved through his contributions to make an impact in building value. Over the years he has mined extensive commercial & operational knowledge of business functionality & practices through his multi-dimensional capabilities. This involved anticipating market rational through his interest in behaviour economics. This enabled him to successfully perform multi-level analysis & reporting through extensive market research as well as the restructuring of business processes with his cross-departmental involvement.
Moving to Asia in the CPaaS start-up environment has set him up to make headway fast & be bold in his decision making through dealings with global companies. Adriaan has been presented with numerous awards within his working environment, also serving on numerous internal company boards.
His passion & self-driven dedication is captured in his personal ambition to make an influential difference through ambiguous & strategic improvements. This sets him up with the continuous opportunity to learn & understand the needs of an environment that possesses of the capacity where thoughts, ideas & dreams can be communicated extensively to be grown into reality.